This gymnast Beyonce inspired routine is my weekend energy!

This gymnast Beyonce inspired routine is my weekend energy!

Gymnast Nia Dennis playfully placed a crown on her head after completing a floor routine at UCLA's dual meet with Utah State. As it turns out, this tiara was more than that: last weekend, the UCLA junior performed the much-talked-about Beyonce routine as an ode to royalty, scoring a 9.975 (which feels like a major oversight after watching this performance). by ESPN (open in new tab) and this was also done casually on Denise's 21st birthday.

During the tribute to Queen Bey, Dennis jumped, tucked, and yes, even war (opens in new tab) to songs like Destiny's Child's "Lose My Breath," "Crazy in Love," and instrumentals from the album Homecoming Open in tab), even slammed it...72 times in a row? Yes, I did. But that didn't stop me from bringing this Bee-induced mood into every part of the weekend. Come Sunday, the only thing Denise and I have in common is that she falls to the ground after her performance.

After fans began bowing down to Denise on Twitter, she tweeted her thanks for the support on Friday. 'My heart is filled with joy and happiness. Thank you all for your positive messages." This is so surreal and incredible! Always so much love."

Between this and "Cheerleading," my desire to choreograph my own mat routines has never been higher.

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