Why "Until Tomorrow" is Now Everywhere on Instagram

Why "Until Tomorrow" is Now Everywhere on Instagram

Scrolling through your Instagram feed, you may have come across some awful or awkward photos of your friends from a few years ago with the caption, "Until tomorrow." Sure, the first couple of pictures were cute and fun, but you probably, like the rest of us (me), wanted to know what was going on by the ninth one.

What you were witnessing was a new trend in social media that we like to call "Until Tomorrow" and I am here to break it down for you.

No one can agree on the origins of this challenge. Some say it started with the video app TikTok. Others say it started on Instagram, where there are over 2 million posts (open in new tab) under the hashtag, and that number continues to grow. one thing we can agree on is that we're glad to be able to take pictures of our friends like we've never seen before

I'm not a fan of my own ugliness.

Before you can post an ugly or awkward photo of yourself (probably from 2014), you have to "like" the photo with the caption, "Until tomorrow." you must "Like" the photo. Then the original poster of that photo will slip into your DM and challenge you to upload an embarrassing photo with the same caption and leave it up for 24 hours. You may or may not do it.

Nor does anyone need someone to send you a message to get you excited. Feel free to post your own (and no one will know!). Like!" s keep pouring in, until you delete it after 24 hours.

Now comes the tricky part. Posts must be uploaded within 24 hours, so most people delete them after the required period. Of course, there are some brave souls who continue to post after the deadline, but unfortunately, not many celebrities live in Hollywood. If I find one, I will update this post.

Big sigh, but at least the memories of those days of Dolly Parton (open in new tab) memes will always be with us.

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