Who will Joe Biden choose for Vice President?

Who will Joe Biden choose for Vice President?

Political insiders already have an idea who will be on presidential candidate Joe Biden's list of vice presidential candidates (opens in new tab) - the same role he held during President Barack Obama's second term. Biden plans to announce his vice presidential nominee by August, and has announced that he will choose a woman (opens in new tab). Pundits have compiled a list (open in new tab) of which candidate is most likely to be elected (former presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris (open in new tab) is well represented), and as you can see, opinions on the issue are quite strong and divided. If Biden is elected, she will be the first female vice president. Here is what we know so far.

As Biden campaigns for office, Senators Amy Klobuchar (who said Friday that she would withdraw her candidacy to allow a woman of color to be Biden's vice presidential running mate), Harris, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Q. Yates, Stacey Abrams, former Georgia House Minority He brought up several names, including party leaders, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and Senator Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire. Many of his supporters have urged him to choose a black woman, and he appears to be heeding their advice. [The Washington Post quotes:

Among the candidates or potential candidates who have advanced to a more inclusive vetting process are Senator Kamala Harris (R-CA), Representative Val Demings (R-FL), former National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, all of whom are black. Senator Elizabeth Warren (R-Massachusetts), who is white, is also in this group, as is New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, who is Latino.

The short list could include other names, the idea being that Biden is most likely to pick someone he thinks will help him win the general election (and who can work closely with him, hence the "simpatico" note).

Just this week, 100 activists and celebrities, including Jane Fonda, sent a letter (open in new tab) to the former vice president asking him to pick Warren. In the letter, the authors describe Warren as "the most ready to be president when push comes to shove and has proven herself to be a deep expert on the overlapping emergencies currently plaguing America - COVID-19, economic insecurity, racial injustice, and climate change." Senator Warren's vision, ability, and national experience have enabled her to accomplish great things.

The letter also claims that Warren is the key to winning over more liberal voters who supported Sanders, but it is worth noting that Warren's failure to endorse Sanders has angered some Sanders voters. Biden is open to considering Warren, but also emphasizes the important role she will play in the Senate (opens in new tab).

They also differ quite significantly on a number of issues, which may mean they are less "compatible" than other candidates he might choose.

We will update this article as we learn more details, but it won't be long before we know officially.

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